Every person in California should be able to live a healthy life.
That’s the vision we stand by and the journey we are committed to. With strategy, creativity and ongoing collaboration, The Center strives to eradicate health inequities across the state, especially within the underserved San Joaquin Valley.
With offices in Sacramento and Fresno, The Center was developed by Sierra Health Foundation at a time when nonprofits and public agencies throughout California faced diminishing resources and rapidly increasing needs. As the gap between funding and solutions continued to increase, we realized that a new and innovative approach was required to address the need.
Operating as an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit, The Center brings people, ideas and infrastructure together to create a collective impact. The Center helps communities access proven practices while tapping into their existing resources, knowledge and creativity to identify strategies for a healthier community.
Leveraging leadership, operational and funding support from Sierra Health Foundation and its partners, The Center establishes investment partnerships with public and private funders, community members, community organizations, nonprofits, businesses, and national, state and local government agencies. Taken together, each partner’s unique insights, perspectives and resources make the work of The Center possible and clear the way for a healthier California.