
Pictured:  Diverse hands hold a tender, sprouting plant in rich soil

Financial Results

Sierra Health Foundation maintains a global and broadly diversified portfolio with allocations to a variety of asset classes, both public and private. Earnings from our investment portfolio are the foundation’s primary source of funds.

2023 Financial Results

Download Sierra Health Foundation’s 2023 Audit Report (PDF)

2022 Financial Results

Download Sierra Health Foundation’s 2022 Audit Report (PDF)

Download Sierra Health Foundation’s 2022 990 (PDF)

2021 Financial Results

At the end of 2021, assets totaled $63,413,007.

2021 Program Services and Operating Expenses

Public Policy and Education Program

General Administration

San Joaquin Valley Health Fund
$141,344 Nonprofit Health Sector Development

Improving Health and Quality of Life

Responsive Grants Program

Youth Development

Total = $1,917,360