Supporting community-driven efforts to improve health, promote access and reduce health inequity

Eligible RGP Funding Counties

Since 2008, we have awarded approximately $8.3 million through the Responsive Grants Program in support of community-driven efforts to improve health, promote access and reduce health inequity throughout our 26-county funding region.

E-mail the Program team any general questions about the Responsive Grants Program.

Funding Opportunity 2024

The Project

The 2024 Responsive Grants Program will prioritize projects that are experiencing funding gaps due to state budget cuts that impact health and quality of life for Californians.


Responsive grants are available to qualifying nonprofit organizations and public agencies that serve people living in Sierra Health Foundation’s 26-county funding region. Sierra Health Foundation has committed a total of $400,000 to this program in 2024, with grants of up to $10,000 available to support projects and activities that advance health and racial equity and improve health and quality of life.


Sierra Health Foundation will fund nonprofit organizations that are tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and are designated a 509(a)(1) or 509 (a)(2) organization or tribal or urban Indian entities. Proposed projects or activities must benefit people living in one or more of the 26 counties of Sierra Health Foundation’s funding region.

Public agencies and fiscal sponsors for entities that are not qualifying 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations are eligible to apply. Fiscal sponsors may apply on behalf of more than one organization or collaborative group.

How to Apply

For additional funding opportunity information and application instructions, please review the Request for Applications PDF and apply via our online application.

Applications are due no later than Tuesday, July 9 at 1 p.m. (PST).

Helpful Information

Watch the recorded information session

More Information

Additional Responsive Grants Program funding opportunities will be announced in our Partnerships newsletter and on this page.

Please e-mail us any questions.